Waste Time Efficiently

Friday, October 12, 2007

Two Great Tastes That Taste Great Together

The Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Mash-Up Awards!

There are too many examples of feebly attempted mash ups of old movies and TV shows with newer, hipper movies and TV shows. But when a really great editor finds innate connections in two seemingly disparate sources, the results can be mind-bendingly funny. So far most of the best ones use classic cartoons. They're certainly easier to sync up dialogue.

Reservoir Dogs is The Most Mashed movie source around. For Best Tarantino the winner is:

The Legion of Dogs

Posted Mar 29, 2005

Legion of Doom takes a tip from the Reservoir Dogs gang.

In the category of Two Sources That Have No Right To Be Mashed we have to admit that Napolean Dynamite and Fat Albert works too well to be ignored.

Fat Dynamite

Posted May 04, 2005

Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids have moved to Pocatello in this Napoleon Dynamite mashup, and they're saying "Vote For Pedro."

In the Non-Cartoon category for Best New Shows Mash the winner is: The Office Heroes:

The Office Heroes

Posted Feb 23, 2007

Dwight Schrute uncovers his secret powers in this mashup of NBC's The Office and Heroes.

The What's Up Tiger Lily Award for classic Mash-Up goes to this late 80's classic by the same people who brought you Apocalypse Pooh. It's raunchy mix of Blue Velvet and Peanuts Cartoons:

And finally, we have this Honorable Mention. The Justice League is back, as imagined by Mike Judge.

This Place Sucks

Posted Feb 24, 2005

Superfriends meets Office Space...another great mashup from Idiotwork.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Smoking Cartoons

Cartoon characters don't have to worry about lung cancer and heart disease. They should be able to smoke as much as they want.

Disney recently announced a ban on all cigarette smoking in their movies, so it seems a good time to remember that not that long ago even cartoon characters smoked.

Winston Cigarettes: The Flintstones

Smoking with the Flintstones! It's Fred and Barney in a TV spot from in the 1960s.

Of course, they weren't as enlightened back in the stone age. But in the fifties it was even alright to make cigarette commercials just for the kids.

Let us hope Disney does not go so far as to digitally remove Cruella DeVille's signature cigarette holder, and I leave you with this very appropriate clip.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Future In The Past

One of the funniest things about the past is the way it sees the future, or should I say, the way it fails to see the future.

How disappointed we should be that there aren’t jetpacks or flying cars buzzing around our cities.

Why are we still eating broccoli and potatoes when all the proteins and nutrients we need could so easily be reduced to a single pill? It’s depressing to realize we aren’t much closer to global peace and eradication of hunger, but what really sucks is that no one has invented a ray gun yet.

All our lasers can do is correct your myopia! Big whoop! I need to vaporize my enemies!

Here at the Retro Channel studios, in my leather-walled, plush velvet-carpeted, Lava lamp-lit viewing room, I think of myself as an historian.

I’m a researcher poring through the stacks for proof that the past was just as funny as the present and that the present is even funnier when we see our past.

I realize that last part doesn’t make any sense. But neither does the future! Because it’s both better and not as cool as we thought it was going to be in the past, which is why, in the 80’s we came to the realization that the future may very well suck.
And that’s pretty much the way we see the future today. Either we’ll live in burned-out cities full of zombies or be spread out through the galaxy being hunted down by demons of our own design. It’s gonna be awesome!

On the Retro Channel we say that if you don’t remember the past it will be repeated and you won’t even realize it!

So, let’s see what all those people who are mostly-dead-now were up to. Roll the videos, Dick.