Waste Time Efficiently

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

More Than Meets The Eye

OK, unless you have been living in a cave, you might have heard something about the new Transformers movie due for release on the 4th of July... Now before i start ranting, let me make one thing very clear:

I will be going to see this movie. Probably more than once too. My childhood was ruled by the Transformers, shiiit, how could it not? They are robots in disguise! that right there is the very definition of Radness. ROBOTS IN DISGUISE? ill take three.

So yeah, the director that brought us the brilliant Ben Affleck extravanganza Pearl Harbor, was trusted with what could possibly be the most culturally important movie of all time, The Transformers movie.

Im not the only one that was a little nervous upon hearing this news, but there is enough grumbling all over the interwebs about that, and after seeing the previews, well, it looks completely RAD.

Except for one glaring hole in the story so large you could drive Optimus Prime right through it.

OK, here we go:

So the Transformers are intergalactic badass robots that have the ability to transform into whatever they want, are of obviously much higher intelligence than us humans, They have advanced technologically hundreds of years past us and have traveled across space to wage war on little old planet earth, and when they get here they fight with...

Guns and Bullets.

Am i the only one who finds this completely retarded?

just sayin.

Oh man, that movie looks SWEET though!

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