Waste Time Efficiently

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ricky Scroder; What a dork

Rickey Schroder is a muppet.
There i've said it, I cant stand that guy. Never could. Remember silver spoons? what a douche. from his floppy hair, to his annoying 'im so cute smile' i always wanted to push him off something high.

Then, post Silver Spoons he decided he was a real actor and was in a bunch of made-for-TV movies about ohhh, i dunno, some floppy haired poser or something. Brad pitt was in the worst of these movies, Across The Tracks.

Pitt played Ricky Schroders brother. What a joke, we are expected to believe that Tyler Durden himself shares genes with the little prince?

In the immortal words of the Fresh Prince: "Oh HELL naw!".

To make matters worse, Brad Pitt was the geeky brother and Ricky Schroder was the rebel, the badass, the black sheep.

This was made evidently clear by the fact that he wore a leather jacket and looked tough on the movie poster.

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Told you so.

The premise was that the two brothers were both really good at running. And that Ricky was a tough-guy.

Thats it. Thats the movie.

What a pile of crap. And Schroder got top billing over Brad Pitt.

Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

Popp'n Culture Cherry

Boom Chicago

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